Restaurant Review Management

GuestXM Review Management

Manage, solicit and respond to reviews submitted on your entire restaurant network across all your core channels.

  • All core review channels: Google, Trip Advisor, Yelp, Facebook and more.

  • Convenient: Manage all responses in one place.

Screenshot of a customer complaint email about service and food quality, mentioning incorrect and cold food ordered on December 22, 2022, at 8:56 p.m. Staff named Quentin and Rachel are involved. An internal note is also visible, suggesting a training opportunity for the staff.
  • Connect with guests: Ask for and respond to guest reviews in real time.

  • Create consistency by automating: Scale responses across by providing in-platform templates and direction.

  • Trigger internal action: Communicate with operators to ensure feedback receives the appropriate follow up

A screenshot of a customer complaint email. The email, sent by Gina Bradley, describes receiving an incorrect and cold order from a restaurant on December 22, 2022, at 8:56 p.m. Internal notes include a message from guestXM Support requesting staff training on order accuracy.

Capture guest sentiment, focus action for predictable growth.

Reviews contain a wealth of great intel. But they don’t tell the whole story.

With GuestXM + Guest Intelligence, you analyze review data – along with social content and survey responses – to ensure you get the full picture on customer sentiment.

Learn about the rest of GuestXM

GuestXM Overview

Measure, monitor and improve guest experience.

GuestXM Surveys

Surveys built for restaurants.

GuestXM Social

Manage and aggregate across every restaurant.

GuestXM Task Management

Assign tasks and automate responses.

See what Black Box Intelligence can do for you