Restaurant Benchmarks for Restaurant Investors
Market Intelligence
Better understand financial performance with the best restaurant industry data. Critical context to inform restaurant investment strategy.
Upgrade your expertise with the industry’s largest financial dataset
Use Cases
Investors in the restaurant industry use Market Intelligence to:
Accurately assess performance of existing investments.
Vet potential investment decisions.
Predict likely returns.
Holistically analyze restaurant industry as investment target.

Make better restaurant industry investment decisions
When it comes to investor strategy, there’s no such thing as a sure thing. But you leave way less to chance when you have accurate, representative, precise data underpinning decisions.
With Market Intelligence, you leverage the gold standard for restaurant performance insights – providing unmatched context of what good looks like to be the most informed you can possibly be.

Metrics Covered
With Market Intelligence, you can monitor ALL the key restaurant industry metrics:
Check growth
Check dollar
Avg. weekly sales
Food sales growth
Drive thru
Beverage sales growth
Day part splits
And more…