Restaurant Glossary

Average Check


The average check, also known as the average ticket or average spend per customer, is a key performance metric in the restaurant industry.

It represents the average amount of money a customer spends per visit.

This figure is calculated by dividing the total number of sales by the number of transactions within a specific time period.

Monitoring and analyzing the average ticket is crucial for understanding customer behavior, optimizing pricing strategies, and driving revenue growth.


To calculate the Average Check, use the following formula:

The image shows the formula for calculating the average check, which is defined as Total Sales divided by the Number of Transactions.

For example, if a restaurant generates $50,000 in sales from 2,500 monthly transactions, the average check would be $20.00.

Why It Matters

  1. Revenue Optimization: 

    By tracking the average ticket, restaurant operators can identify opportunities to increase revenue through upselling, menu engineering, and promotional strategies. For instance, if the average check is lower than expected, managers might consider introducing combo deals or promoting higher-margin items.

  2. Customer Insights: 

    Average ticket data provides insight into customer spending habits. Understanding these patterns can help in tailoring marketing efforts, creating loyalty programs, and setting appropriate price points for target demographics.

  3. Benchmarking: 

    Average check figures can be used to benchmark against industry standards or competitors. This allows restaurants to assess their performance relative to the market and identify areas for improvement.

  4. Cost Management: 

    Monitoring the average ticket helps in managing food costs and labor expenses.A sudden drop in the average check might indicate changes in customer behavior or inefficiencies that must be addressed.

Example in Action

Imagine a Casual Dining Restaurant notices that its average check is $18, while a similar competitor reports an average check of $25.

To bridge this gap, the restaurant could analyze its menu pricing, experiment with bundled meal deals, or train staff to upsell desserts and beverages.

Additional Resources & Related Terms

  • Revenue per Available Seat Hour (RevPASH):A metric that measures the revenue generated per seat per hour, factoring in the restaurant’s seating capacity and operating hours.
  • Menu Engineering:The process of analyzing menu profitability and popularity to optimize the menu offerings and increase the average ticket.
  • Customer Lifetime Value (CLV):The total revenue a restaurant can expect from a customer over the duration of their relationship with the establishment.


The average check is an important indicator of a restaurant’s financial health and customer engagement.

By regularly monitoring and optimizing your average check, your restaurant can enhance its profitability, refine its customer experience, and remain competitive in a saturated market.