Restaurant Social Media Analytics

Social Intelligence

The only social media insights platform with AI-powered sentiment analytics trained exclusively on restaurant customer feedback

Meaningful social media analytics

Social -> Revenue

Social media interactions contain a wealth of great intel. But this intel without action is a waste of guest and staff time.

With Social Intelligence, you pump your social data – along with reviews and surveys – into the only AI-based analytics trained exclusively on restaurant feedback.

Then combine this with extensive Black Box Intelligence sales and traffic insight to figure out exactly what you need to do to make more money.

Restaurant-trained analytics

Deep dive into verbatim text provided within DMs, comments and other content to provide an overall breakdown, while elevating key areas for focus.

Bar chart titled "Highest traffic Driver sentiment" displaying the following categories with net, positive percentage, and number of responses: Food & Beverages, Service, Experience, Environment, and Value. Each category shows green positive and red total response bars.

Deep dive into the key issues impacting guest sentiment

Explore each of the 13 key sentiment drivers identified by our model as being critical for financial success by drilling right down to individual reviews.

Screenshot of restaurant reviews. Jerome Johnson II (5 stars) states, "Food is great. Service is awesome. Definitely will return. I recommend the chicken." Betina Hudson (5 stars) mentions, "Everything was very good... the server was very attentive... got enough food for the price.

Compare across locations and against competitors

  • Make geographic comparisons drilling down to individual unit performance

  • See how you stack up against your key competitors  – both overall and specifically on the key drivers affecting restaurant performance.

(direct upload) A table compares four restaurant brands by Overall score, number of Reviews, Experience, and Food & Beverages. Brands listed are BlackBoxBBQ, 135 Degrees, Carnivore Cave, and Good Eats & Meats. Competitor Average scores are also included.

Explore the rest of Guest Intelligence

Restaurant Survey Analytics

Restaurant Review Analytics

Restaurant Competitor Analytics

Guest Feedback Analytics