Restaurant Glossary

Online Reputation Management


Online Reputation Management (ORM) refers to the process of monitoring, influencing, and maintaining a restaurant’s reputation across digital platforms such as review sites, social media, and search engines.

ORM involves actively managing customer feedback, responding to reviews, addressing negative comments, and promoting positive content to shape public perception.

The goal of ORM is to ensure that the restaurant maintains a positive online image. Therefore, it can significantly impact customer decisions, brand loyalty, and overall business success.

Why It Matters:

  1. Customer Trust and Loyalty: 

    A restaurant’s online reputation plays a crucial role in building trust with potential customers. Positive reviews and a well-maintained online presence can attract new customers, while effective management of negative feedback can retain existing ones.

  2. Influence on Customer Decisions: 

    Many customers rely on online reviews and ratings to make dining decisions. A strong online reputation can drive more traffic to the restaurant, while a poor reputation can deter potential customers.

  3. Crisis Management: 

    ORM allows restaurants to quickly address negative feedback or any issues that arise online, minimizing the potential damage to their reputation. Timely responses and solutions can turn negative experiences into positive outcomes.

  4. Brand Image and Awareness:Through consistent and proactive ORM, restaurants can enhance their brand image, improve customer engagement, and increase brand awareness. This includes promoting positive reviews, sharing user-generated content, and maintaining an active presence on social media.

Key Components of Online Reputation Management:

  • Review Monitoring and Response: 

    Regularly monitoring reviews on platforms like Google, Yelp, and TripAdvisor, and responding to both positive and negative feedback. This shows customers that the restaurant values their opinions and is committed to providing a great experience.

  • Social Media Engagement: 

    Actively managing social media profiles by posting relevant content, responding to comments and messages, and engaging with followers to build a positive online community around the brand.

  • Search Engine Optimization (SEO): 

    Optimizing the restaurant’s online content, including its website and social media profiles, to ensure positive information ranks highly in search engine results, making it easier for customers to find favorable reviews and content.

  • Crisis Management: 

    Developing a strategy to quickly and effectively address negative feedback or online crises, such as a viral complaint or a bad review, to prevent long-term damage to the restaurant’s reputation.

Example in Action:

A popular local bistro notices a few negative reviews on Yelp mentioning slow service during peak hours.

To manage its online reputation, the restaurant promptly responds to each review, apologizing for the inconvenience and explaining that they are taking steps to improve service speed.

They also invite the customers back for a complimentary appetizer to make up for the experience.

Meanwhile, the restaurant encourages satisfied customers to leave positive reviews by offering a discount on their next visit.

Over time, the bistro’s rating improves, and the proactive management of feedback helps maintain its reputation as a customer-focused establishment.

Additional Resources & Related Terms

  • Customer Feedback Loop:

    A process of gathering, analyzing, and acting on customer feedback to improve service and enhance the overall customer experience, often a key part of ORM.

  • GuestXM:
    Keeping track of everything your customers say or think about you is really hard. Learn how to gain the complete picture of causes and traffic and sales impact of guest experience.
  • Net Promoter Score (NPS):A metric that measures customer loyalty and satisfaction based on their likelihood to recommend the restaurant to others. NPS can be a part of the feedback loop process.


Online Reputation Management (ORM) is vital for restaurants in today’s digital age, where customer perceptions and reviews can significantly impact business success.

By actively monitoring and managing their online presence, restaurants can build trust, attract new customers, and maintain a positive brand image.

Effective ORM involves engaging with customers, addressing feedback promptly, and promoting positive content to ensure that the restaurant’s online reputation supports its overall business goals.