Review Benchmarking and Competitor Analysis

Competitor Intelligence

Gain unique guest sentiment brand comparisons. Know exactly where to focus to stand out.

Built for restaurants. Built for results.

Competitor awareness is a table stake in any business environment. But gaining a deep and accurate understanding is beyond most the capabilities of most analysis. Guest Intelligence’s AI-powered sentiment analytics are exclusively trained on restaurant guest feedback, delivering reliable, precise, actionable competitor insights.

Start by selecting brands you want to compare to.
See how you compare – overall and specifically on review performance.
Deep dive into comparisons on key drivers of restaurant success.

Benchmark top line metrics

Compare on review count, average rating and net sentiment.

Screenshot of a competitor overview table comparing fast casual dining brands. It lists four brands: BlockBoxBBQ, The Brisket House, Ribs Emporium, and 135 Degrees. Metrics include average rating, number of reviews, and net sentiment scores.

Restaurant-trained analytics

  • Deep dive into performance against key drivers identified by our model as pivotal to restaurant success.

  • Drill down into geographies and right down to the individual review level for additional context.

Table showing rankings of six BBQ brands in categories including Overall, Number of Reviews, Experience, Food & Beverages, and Consistency Service. Green and red arrows indicate positive and negative changes, respectively, from a previous assessment period.

Explore Guest Intelligence

Restaurant Survey Analytics

Restaurant Review Analytics

Restaurant Social Media Analytics

Guest Intelligence Overview